Dear friends,
The catastrophic humanitarian situation in Tigray is now (finally) making headlines in international media (section
1). Besides international reactions that become stronger (section
2), we will also give some insights into how the Tigray people are trying to resist to what Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers call “our season” (section
3). And still, the Ethiopian authorities are attempting to get away with it, using various tactics (section
4). We conclude our newsletter with a digest of press publications (many of them translated from French, Dutch or German - section
Humanitarian disaster
The humanitarian situation in Tigray is catastrophic. Besides massacres and rape that are widely used as a weapon of war, one third of the population has been chased from their residential place, what is euphemistically
referred to as “IDP” (internally displaced people). Mothers are giving birth in the streets:
The FEWSNET briefing of 17 May 2021 used the following words:
“this reduction in household access to cash income has resulted in a widespread food security Emergency in the region and has likely led to even more severe consumption gaps for worst-affected households.” This can be decoded to mean
that there is not just phase 4 (Emergency) over most of the region, but also phase 5 (Famine) pockets in Tigray. There are now a large number of media reports on these dire conditions:
The Times, 31 May:
Civilians killed in Tigray war identified but thousands remain
National Geographic, 28 May: A grave humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Ethiopia.
‘I never saw hell before, but now I have.’
The Times, 28 May: Ethiopian hospitals trashed by soldiers as
Tigray fighting escalates
UN News, 28 May: Grave concerns over 'dire' and deteriorating situation in war-torn Tigray region
Associated Press, 28 May: 'Our season': Eritrean troops kill, rape, loot in Tigray
ARD Weltspiegel, 27 May: A German TV travels through a war zone: Tigray, not arriving at peace.
See the half hour TV report and English summary
AFP, 27 May:
Displaced Tigrayans accuse soldiers of torture, 'murder': document
New York Times, 26 May:
Famine Looms in Ethiopia’s War-Ravaged Tigray Region, U.N. Says
Radio France internationale, 26 May:
Tigré: un massacre commis par des soldats érythréens à Goda [in French] – English translation:
Tigray: a massacre committed by Eritrean soldiers in Goda
The Telegraph, 24 May:
Exclusive: Ethiopians suffer horrific burns in suspected white phosphorus attacks
Radio France internationale, 21 May: Au Tigré, les agriculteurs
sont les premières victimes d'un conflit qui dure [in French] – English translation:
In Tigray, the farmers are the first victims of a conflict that is lasting
UN OCHA, 20 May: Ethiopia - Tigray Region Humanitarian Update
AFP, 19 May: Ethiopian Troops Search Hospital For Enemy 'Soldiers': Doctors
Al Jazeera, 18 May: ‘No food for days’: Starvation stalks Tigray as
war drags on
AFP, 17 May:
Situation in Ethiopia's Tigray 'horrific': WHO chief
MSF, 17 May:
Photostory: Reaching the forgotten communities of the Tigray crisis
NCR, 17 May: Local priest: Atrocities still occurring in Ethiopia's Tigray region
RFI, 17 May: Ethiopie : les habitants de Tuhuli, dans
le Tigré, racontent l'enfer [in French] – English translation:
Ethiopia: The people of Tuhuli, in Tigray, tell the story of hell
EU observer, 17 May: EU: Over 5 million people risk 'starvation' in Ethiopia
Tagesspiegel, 16 May: Patriarch warnt vor „Völkermord“ in Tigray
[in German]
CNN, 15 May: US condemns 'atrocities' in Tigray and calls
for those responsible to be 'held to account' after CNN investigation
Radio France internationale, 12 May: Éthiopie: avec les déplacés
du Tigré, naufragés à Mekele [in French]
RFI, 10 May: Éthiopie: au Tigré, une Pâques orthodoxe entre
fête, tristesse et deuil [in French] – English translation:
Ethiopia: in Tigray, an Orthodox Easter between celebration, sadness and mourning
ARD tagesshow, 10 May: Ein Krieg, der keiner sein soll [in German], English translation:
A war that shouldn’t be one
Radio France internationale, 12 May:
Conflit au Tigré : pour le patriarche de
Mekele «Abiy Ahmed marche dans les traces d’Issayas Afewerki» -
English translation: Conflict
in Tigray: for the patriarch of Mekele “Abiy Ahmed walks in the footsteps of Issayas Afewerki”
Upcoming webinar, 8 June:
Voices From Tigray - Brutalities against Religious leaders, Holy Places and Heritage in Tigray
International reactions
International reactions and pressure are becoming more important. Finally, the world is going beyond expressions of ‘serious concern’.
Some key points of the U.S. senate Foreign Affairs Committee hearing:
- The State Department is conducting a legal review as to whether war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed by Ethiopian and Eritrean forces. The Patriarch’s allegation
of genocide is being taken seriously.
- The comparison with Darfur is being made.
- On the humanitarian issue, the comparison is with the 1984 famine in Ethiopia.
- The U.S. is considering utilizing the Global Magnitsky Act which would give far-reaching powers to sanction individuals. They also mentioned that they would be ready to pursue accountability
to the highest level.
- The elections were mentioned in passing, to the effect that they would have no credibility, and that a national dialogue was needed.
Concern with the regional order in the Horn of Africa (and U.S. national security) was expressed.
The video of the proceedings can be found here:
Related media articles:
VRT, 29 May: VN waarschuwt voor dreigende hongersnood in Ethiopische
regio Tigray – (UN warns of looming famine in Ethiopian region of Tigray) [in Dutch, Tigrinya and English]
Bloomberg, 28 May: U.S. to Freeze Funding for Ethiopia as Tigray Abuses
Reuters, 27 May:
U.S. warns of further action against Ethiopia, Eritrea over Tigray
BBC, 27 May:
Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: Biden demands ceasefire and end to abuses
NTV, 27 May:
Biden fordert Waffenruhe in Tigray [in German]
White House, 26 May:
Statement by President Joe Biden on the Crisis in Ethiopia
CNN, 26 May:
Tigrayans told, 'We'll see if America will save you now,' as hundreds rounded up by Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers
Politico, 23 May: EU ‘seriously concerned’ about press rights in Ethiopia
The Guardian, 23 May: Washington toughens stance to fight atrocities in
Bloomberg, 22 May: U.S. Weighs Financial Sanctions Against
Ethiopia Over Tigray War
Foreign Policy, 21 May: Biden Administration Plans Visa Restrictions
on Ethiopian Officials Over Tigray
CNN, 21 May:
US Senate passes unanimous resolution calling for withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Ethiopia
US Department of State, 19 May: Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with Finnish
Foreign Minister Haavisto
Today News Africa, 19 May: Biden administration
says it remains committed to solving Tigray crisis amid accusations of inaction
Reuters, 18 May: Moody's downgrade over G20 common framework hits Ethiopian bonds
How Tigray resists
We communicated with friends in Mekelle. They unanimously claim is that perpetrators of the crimes against humanity are Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers. On the other hand, there is also a mix of fear and pity for the
young soldiers who are dropped in Mekelle. We received some details about the ways in which people inside Tigray are trying to resist:
A colleague from Mekelle University
found one of their former students among the soldiers. The soldier begged for help to escape from Tigray and from the army. People help by giving them civilian clothes.
In common talk in Tigray, the term “ENDF” is not used anymore when talking about the Ethiopian army, they are simply named “PP soldiers”, after Abiy Ahmed’s “Prosperity Party”. The respected naming has been lost. There
is no protection for civilians in the Eritrean-ENDF controlled areas… This stands in contrast with Tigray strongholds, according to friends. North of Mekelle, in Sa’isi’e, Atsbi and towards Adigrat, the TDF (Tigray
Defence Forces) have established a strong presence. In these ‘free areas’ (as some people in Mekelle call them), the rule of law has been re-established. Robberies and theft are punished, there is an authority that can handle complaints.
From 25 to 27 May, an inter-religious “Tigray Fasting” (twitter: #TigrayTsom) was organised all over Tigray, with people fasting and praying for peace and humanitarian solutions. Oromo political prisoners even
participated in the three days long fasting that has been held by the people of Tigray.
The reader may take a 26-minutes (virtual) bajaj drive through town, visit the major markets and Mekelle’s hypercentre; all shops were closed, like in a general strike:
As a reaction to this large civil disobedience, the PP administration tried to forbid shops from re-opening and stopped inter-city transportation: ;
Unfortunately, media do not much address this widespread resistance of the population:
Tactics to get away with crimes against humanity
As mentioned, pressure on the Ethiopian authorities in relation to these massive war crimes has increased. Hence, they have developed a whole set of diversion tactics.
Tactic 1: Denial: “it’s a very crazy idea”, “you are on the TPLF payroll”
Tactic 2: Admit a small crime, say that you are doing something about it, and the World can continue closing its eyes.
Tactic 3: “This is a dirty war, all are committing crimes”
Tactic 4: “Human rights concerns is Western imperialism; Ethiopia is not for sale”
Tactic 5: “Unfortunately, this is the price to pay”
See some articles below, which may be fitted in either of the above categories
Other articles in media
Bahir Dar news (unpublished): The road to the north is closed. The Amhara Special Forces attacked the Qemant minority group – there is fighting and houses burnt in and around Gondar (Woleqa, Qusqwam).
CNN, 28 May:
Hundreds of detained Tigrayans released following CNN report
Radio France internationale, 25 May: Conflit
en Éthiopie: l’inquiétude des habitants d’Alamata, ville du Tigré sous contrôle Amhara [in French]
The Economist, 22 May:
Eritrea’s President Issaias Afwerki bids for regional greatness - But his latest gamble is risky
The Economist, 22 May: Eritrea, Africa’s gulag
state, is on the march
Sudan Tribune, 22 May: Egyptian troops arrive in Sudan ahead of bilateral military drills
The Intercept, 21 May:
Propaganda Machine - Voice of America Is Accused of Ignoring Government Atrocities in Ethiopia
Nation.Africa, 21 May: Ethiopian doctor who fled
Tigray faces deportation from Kenya
CNN, 19 May: Ethiopian soldiers armed with guns and grenades raid
hospital featured in CNN report
South China Morning Post, 18 May:
Ethiopian civil war: Hong Kong pair trek to raise funds for victims, while their neighbours
with adopted son from Tigray shield him from the conflict’s horrors
Tghat, 18 May: After
ethnic cleansing of Tigrayans from Western Tigray, Amhara State proceeds to lease and distribute their farmlands to Amhara investors
Nation.Africa, 17 May: UN, Ethiopia rights groups to launch joint probe into
Tigray abuses
Addis Fortune, 15 May:
In the absence of inclusive, conclusive national elections
Opinion pieces
Best greetings,
Jan Nyssen
Professor of Physical Geography
Department of Geography
Ghent University
(0032) 9 264 46 23